Good Night Card Maker

Good Night -

A Good message for a Good person from a Good friend for Good Reason at a Good time on a Good day in a Good mood to say… Good Night!

Good Night -

I looked up in the sky and saw the brightest star I have ever seen, I closed my eyes and wished to it to let the person who is reading this SMS a smooth sleep... Good Night!

Good Night -

Anything seems possible at night when the rest of the world has gone to sleep.

Good Night -

Please don't let a bad day convince you that you have a bad life. Good Night!

Good Night -

Life always offers you a second chance..its called tomorrow...Good Night

Good Night -

This is our ATD (Any time disturbance) service. We are the experts in disturbing and irritating people at busy hours. Our goal has been achieved. Good Night...

Good Night -

Lets meet in our dreams tonight...Good Night...

Good Night -

Before I sleep, I count my blessings instead of problems, I make sure, I sleep happy and grateful, Good night...

Good Night -

If you cannot do great small things in a great way...Good Night

Good Night -

Sleeping is forget about everything for a little while...Good Night